
Tips to Make Dental Extractions Less Uncomfortable

Dental work is never very much fun, but having a tooth removed is probably one of the most anxiety-inducing dental procedure there is—and when you have multiple teeth removed at once, it can be downright horrifying. The truth is, having multiple teeth removed at once isn't all that bad—that is, if you prepare for the recovery before you head out for the procedure. Here, you'll find a few tips that can make this time more comfortable for you. Read More 

Mistakes That May Prevent You From Seeing The Results Of Your Teeth Whitening Endeavors

Dental bleaching is usually an effective method for brightening up smiles, but it will only work for you if you do it right. Here are a few mistakes that may mar up your dental bleaching attempts: Choosing a Whitener Because It Worked For Your Friend There are numerous types of teeth whitening products and some of them are designed for specific discolorations. Therefore, choosing a whitening product because it did wonders for a friend is not a good way to go about the process. Read More 

Getting Your Teeth Repaired

Whether they are yellow, crooked, or missing, teeth are a part of the body that can cause many problems for people. Brushing teeth on a regular basis is the best way to keep them in good shape, but many people neglect to do it as often as needed. Constantly leaving plaque on teeth eventually leads to holes in the enamel and other problems that cannot be treated without professional help. For example, cavities that are deep enough to expose the pulp chamber in teeth should be treated by a dentist in a timely manner. Read More 

Tips For Preparing For Your Dental Implant Bone Graft

If you have a bone loss condition across the jaw, then you can often still have a dental implant secured. Depending on the extent of the loss, grafting may be necessary. While a grafting procedure may sound like a scary prospect, it is actually quite routine. While this is true, there are a few things that you can and should do to prepare for the procedure. Keep reading to learn about a few of them. Read More 

How To Repair The Damage To Your Teeth From Having A Misaligned Bite

If you've recently had your teeth straightened with braces, you may be surprised to learn that your path to a perfect smile isn't over just yet. Misaligned bites can cause damage to teeth that only a dentist can help you to repair. If you're curious about how your smile might be damaged, keep reading to find out. Why the Bite Does Damage Your jaw, which supports all of your teeth, is essentially on a hinge. Read More