If you have a bone loss condition across the jaw, then you can often still have a dental implant secured. Depending on the extent of the loss, grafting may be necessary. While a grafting procedure may sound like a scary prospect, it is actually quite routine. While this is true, there are a few things that you can and should do to prepare for the procedure. Keep reading to learn about a few of them.
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If you've recently had your teeth straightened with braces, you may be surprised to learn that your path to a perfect smile isn't over just yet. Misaligned bites can cause damage to teeth that only a dentist can help you to repair. If you're curious about how your smile might be damaged, keep reading to find out.
Why the Bite Does Damage
Your jaw, which supports all of your teeth, is essentially on a hinge.
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There are many dental problems that patients will often find that they are forced to address. A lack of information and experience concerning these problems can make it very difficult to effectively manage these issues when they arise.
A chipped tooth can be an extremely painful problem to experience. When a chipped tooth is painful, patients will often promptly seek treatment for it. However, if the damage did not impact the nerve of the tooth, the patient may be far more likely to avoid seeking treatment for this damage.
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Having gum disease isn't fun for anyone. It can be painful, gums can bleed, and without treatment, it can potentially lead to total tooth loss. However, that's not where the problems of gum disease stop. If you think you might have gum disease and haven't sought treatment, you should know that putting it off could potentially put your heart at risk. Here's how something like gum disease can potentially hurt your heart.
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If you've been putting off your dental work because you're afraid of needles, or you're worried about pain, you should know that routine dental care can help you avoid those uncomfortable encounters with your dentist. That's why it's crucial that you go in for those semi-annual dental exams. Failure to see your dentist for those semi-annual dental exams can result in the need for extensive dental work, including tooth extractions. However, your dentist won't recommend extractions unless it's absolutely necessary.
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